Islamic calendar

Monday, 30 November 2015

Kepak Tapi Puas

Aritok tek pegi lawatan sambil belajar di Pasuruan (1 jam dari Surabaya). Mun dipike nang sakit ati juak apa nok jadi pagi-pagi tek, Haha. Dosen dah janji madah pukul 7 bertolak dari kampus. Bila datang kampus pukul 7, kesian nangga Pak Buche nunggu mekrang lain gik mok datang. Van nok kmk org tempah pun lambat datang. Pukol 8 pagi bok berangkat. Sebenanya tok kelas Muamalah D. Aku Muamalah C. Mua D tok kelas biak2 pande. Aku tek masuk kelas sidak khas kelas Lembaga Keuangan Syariah tok. Nang best juak masok kelas sidak tok sebab sidak tok pande kelakar  n kebanyakannya konfiden pun orang.

Jarang dah aku tulis kinek, tapi pengalaman kali tok mena-mena molah aku puas n happy. Nya sik la best ne pun perjalanan kmk orang, tapi aku happy sebab dapat pergi dari rumah aku kat surabaya tok jap, n keluar dengan kawan-kawan baru. Aku just sik mok lupak yang Allah berik aku rasa gembira waktu tok. Sebab ya aku tulis post tok.

Dosen nok mbak kmk orang kali tok Pak Buchee. Nang sempoi orang tua tok. Dah suka buat lawak. Sedih na sebab sik lamak gik mok abis semester. Sekda gik nya ngaja pastok. N aku terkenang masa Pak Salam, Pak Sholihuddin, Pak Taqiyuddin n Pak Fathan ajar. Tem dolok-dolok aku tertunggu-tunggu jak bila kelas sidak ajar. Mesti aku excited nak belajar tem ya kat kelas. Ya jak la tek. Bye.

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Try to understand

As a youth, I found that, we always feel depressed about small things. We always do something wrong. And we always act foolishly.

I don't know where to start, but I have always wanted a normal life, A happy life. A life that I always do things in the right way.

But then, again. That is the hardest thing to do.

I thought for a while. Maybe, it is because we are still young and foolish. We don't know things as much as the elders. There is still many things we have to learn to make things right. We have to experience more things so that we can understand the world better.

I always can't mingle with my friends because I found they are loud and annoying to me. I hate people who speak loud as if they wanted the whole world to know what they are saying. And I hate the situation when there is too much foolish jokes around. But, it's just the way they are. Maybe it was because their family just talk like that. Maybe they are too stressed at the moment, and they are making funny jokes to forget their problems.

Oh, I have to learn more about people behaviour so that I can understand people better.

Can I????